Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi di seluruh dunia rupanya tidak menyurutkan semangat teman-teman tunanetra dari berbagai negara untuk berkreativitas. Tahun ini ada 35 naskah yang diterima oleh panitia Onkyo Braille tingkat Asia Pasifik, terdiri dari 16 naskah dari peserta katagori remaja dan 19 naskah dari peserta katagori dewasa. Adapun negara-negara yang ikut berpartisipasi, yaitu Cina, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Selandia Baru, Filipina, Thailand, dan Vietnam.
Pemenang Asal Indonesia
Tahun ini ada 2 naskah dari Indonesia yang terpilih sebagai pemenang, yaitu:
- The Fine Works Prizes senilai $300 diberikan kepada Hendra Jatmika Pristiwa dengan judul karangan “Peran dan arti musik bagi Saya : Passion yang menerangi langkah hidup Saya”.
- The seven Appreciation Prizes senilai $150 diberikan kepada Iyehezkiel Parudani dengan judul karangan “Mereka, Braille, dan Mimpi Masa Kecilku”.
Pertuni mengucapkan selamat kepada kedua peserta asal Indonesia yang naskahnya telah terpilih sebagai pemenang. Semoga peserta asal Indonesia dapat terus mengukir prestasi pada Lomba Onkyo Braille di tahun-tahun berikutnya.
Pengumuman Selengkapnya
Bagi Anda yang ingin mengetahui nama-nama seluruh pemenang, berikut ini pengumuman selengkapnya.
1. The two Fine Works prizes of US $200 each for Group A went to: Werut Bulbon, 17- year-old male from Thailand, and Ella Edwards, 16-year-old female from Australia.
2. The Fine Works Prizes of $300 each for Group B went to: Hendra Jatmika Pristiwa, 45- year-old male from Indonesia, and Teng Wei Min, 66-year-old male from China.
3. The Excellence Prize of $500 for Group A went to Loh Wee Han, 15-year-old female from Malaysia.
4. The Excellence Prize of $500 for Group B went to Phan Dinh Viet, 38-year-old male from Vietnam.
5. The Otsuki Prize of $1,000, selected from both groups, was awarded to Tran Binh Minh, 34-year-old male from Vietnam. The Prize was awarded to him for the following reasons:
(a) His determination to overcome all difficulties and take on great challenges by sacrificing time and enjoyments, is most impressive.
(b) His significant contributions in the work for the blind through job creation and the development of the music talent to bring about equality for the blind, is worthy of emulation.
(c) His unceasing efforts to realise his “true dream” of “I believe I can do, and you too”, are most inspiring.
Here is more good news! Since the WOSC could not meet in person this year, thus drastically reducing the expenses, we decided to award seven Appreciation Prizes for each group whose scores were above 65 points. The decision was made for the following reasons:
(a) The essays were better written, more interesting and with much feeling.
(b) The scores were so close that we felt it necessary to reward the writers for their hard work.
(c) As the world is facing this gloomy situation, we thought this action would at least bring some cheer to the contestants.
(d) This Covid-19 Pandemic, destructive in all ways, did offer us an opportunity to do something positive with the hope that this action will encourage more participation in the 2021 Contest.
6. The seven Appreciation Prizes of $100 each for Group A were given to:
6.1. Amanda Pudelka, 15-year-old female from Australia.
6.2. Chen Xiao Tong, 19-year-old female from China.
6.3. Ma Di Di Zin, 18-year-old female from Myanmar.
6.4. Nghiem Thu Loan, 22-year-old female from Vietnam.
6.5. Teoh Zhan Feng, 20-year-old male from Malaysia.
6.6. Yang Xin Tian, 16-year-old female from China.
6.7. Zhao Hou Ren, 16-year-old male from China.
7. The seven Appreciation Prizes of $150 each for Group B went to:
7.1. Aprilyn M. Manguiat, 30-year-old female from Philippines.
7.2. Iyehezkiel Parudani, 44-year-old male from Indonesia.
7.3. Marife C. Flores, 29-year-old female from Philippines.
7.4. Martine Abel-Williamson, 48-year-old female from New Zealand.
7.5. Nguyen Van Son, 57-year-old male from Vietnam.
7.6. Sim Sin Wee, 45-year-old male from Malaysia.
7.7. Xu Bo Yin, 56-year-old male from China.