19/9. International Council Of Education For People With Visual Impairment (ICEVI) wilayah Asia Timur kembali menyelenggarakan konferensi regional. Bertindak sebagai tuan rumah adalah ICEVI Indonesia, Sebagaimana sebelumnya di tahun 2015 saat konferensi dilaksanakan di Indonesia. Event regional yang dilaksanakan sekali dalam empat tahun ini dilaksanakan di Hotal Royal Ambarukmo Yogyakarta, mulai tanggal 18 hingga …
Kategori: Siaran Pers
Siaran Pers: Selenggarakan Pelatihan Komputer Bicara secara Online, Pertuni Persiapkan Generasi Muda Tunanetra Menghadapi Pembelajaran Virtual Di Universitas
Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi di seluruh dunia memaksa kita untuk mengalihkan banyak aktivitas kita sehari-hari dari pertemuan langsung menjadi pertemuan virtual. Tidak terkecuali dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar, baik di tingkat sekolah maupun universitas. Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) di Indonesia diperkirakan masih akan berlangsung hingga akhir tahun 2021. Pada saat yang sama, permasalahan akses terhadap teknologi …
WBU statement on White Cane Safety Day on Thursday 15 October 2020
The World Blind Union (WBU) joins the rest of the world in observing White Cane Safety Day on Thursday 15th October 2020.
White Cane Safety Day reminds the world of the importance of the White Cane as a tool for independent living for persons who are blind and partially sighted.
As the world grapples with the impact …
Read more WBU statement on White Cane Safety Day on Thursday 15 October 2020
WBU statement on World Sight Day Thursday 8 October 2020
On Thursday 8 October 2020, the World Blind Union (WBU) joins the rest of the world in observing World Sight Day. World Sight Day is the main advocacy event for raising awareness about blindness and vision impairment – The Right To Sight – and is observed annually on the second Thursday of October.
This year, the …
Read more WBU statement on World Sight Day Thursday 8 October 2020
Message of condolence on the passing of WBU Secretary General
Dear members and friends of the WBU,
We at the World Blind Union (WBU) are shocked and deeply saddened to learn of the sudden passing of our Secretary General, Mr Ajay Kumar Mittal, on September 22. Mr. Mittal passed away at Yatharth hospital, Noida Extension, in India. He leaves behind his wife Meera, daughter Nitika and …
Read more Message of condolence on the passing of WBU Secretary General
WBU Statement on World Book and Copyright Day
* For wide dissemination
On Thursday April 23rd 2020, the World Blind Union joins UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and the rest of the world to observe World Book and Copyright Day, also known as International Day of the Book or World Book Day. The focus this year is “Books: A Window …
WBU statement for International Women’s Day 2020
The World Blind Union joins the rest of the world on March 8th, to observe International Women’s Day 2020 under the theme, I am Generation Equality: Realizing women’s rights. The theme is aligned with UN Women’s new multigenerational campaign, Generational Equality which marks the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and platform for action, the …
WBU Statement for World Braille Day – January 2020
The World Blind Union (WBU) is delighted to join the rest of the world in celebrating World Braille Day on 4 January 2020, the second year since it was officially designated by the UN General Assembly as a day to raise awareness of the importance of braille as a means of communication in the full …
Read more WBU Statement for World Braille Day – January 2020
WBU statement on White Cane Safety Day on Tuesday 15 October 2019
The World Blind Union (WBU) joins the rest of the world in observing White Cane Safety Day on Tuesday 15th October 2019.
White Cane Safety Day reminds the world of the importance of the White Cane as a tool for independent living for blind and partially sighted persons.
The World Blind Union takes this opportunity to advocate …
Read more WBU statement on White Cane Safety Day on Tuesday 15 October 2019
WBU statement on the World Braille Day, 2019
The World Blind Union is delighted to celebrate the World Braille Day, January 4th 2019, which has been declared by the United Nations as an international day to commemorate the importance of braille. On this day, the world must recognize the right of access to braille by blind people and to raise awareness on its …
WBU statement on White Cane Day October 15, 2018
In October every year, blind and partially sighted persons across the world celebrate White Cane Day. The mission of White Cane Day is to educate the world about blindness and how the blind and visually sighted persons can live and work independently while giving back to their communities. It is also aimed at celebrating the …
WBU calls for accessible rescue and relief services following earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia
The World Blind Union extends deepest sympathies and condolences to members affected by the devastating earthquake and tsunami that killed more than 1,200 people in the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. More than 48,000 people are sheltered in displacement sites.
On behalf of the WBU, we wish to express our full support and solidarity to our members …
Press Relese: International Women’s Day 2017
Toronto, Canada, March 8th, 2017: Today we mark International Women’s Day, a day that encourages all of us to stand up for the empowerment of all women and girls worldwide and to work towards a more gender inclusive world. The theme for International Women’s Day 2017 is Be Bold for Change, a theme which urges …
Siaran Pers: Peran Strategis Pertuni Dalam Memberdayakan Tunanetra Di Indonesia.
Jakarta, 5 Maret. Menurut estimasi Kementerian Kesehatan RI, jumlah tunanetra di Indonesia adalah 1,5 % dari seluruh penduduk. Jika saat ini penduduk Indonesia berjumlah 250 juta, berarti, sekurang-kurangnya saat ini ada 3,750,000 tunanetra, baik kategori buta maupun lemah penglihatan. Ini bukan jumlah yang sedikit. Menurut sensus penduduk tahun 2010, jumlah penduduk usia sekolah adalah …
Read more Siaran Pers: Peran Strategis Pertuni Dalam Memberdayakan Tunanetra Di Indonesia.
Siaran Pers: Kick Off Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Penggunaan Buku Elektronik (E-Pub) untuk Tunanetra
Dalam rangka merayakan HUT Pertuni (Persatuan Tunanetra Indonesia) ke-51, DPP Pertuni, bersama Yayasan Mitra Netra, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), dan Yayasan Damandiri akan menyelenggarakan “Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Penggunaan Buku Elektronik (E-Pub) untuk Tunanetra. Kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Bandung pada tanggal 26 Januari 2017—tepat pada HUT Pertuni ke-51 ini merupakan pembuka …